I. Registration
- Registration and payment of the entry fee will take place on the website www.lhut.cz, from February 12, 2024, at 20:00, with a limited number of participants.
- The entry fee for SuperSky is 990 CZK from February 12, 2025, to March 2, 2025, and 1,090 CZK from March 3 to May 1, 2025, or until sold out. If registering in the first wave, the amount of 990 CZK must be credited to the LHUT account by March 2. Late payments will require an additional 100 CZK to be paid at registration.
- The paid entry fee is non-refundable, even in the event of a date change, cancellation, interruption, or termination of the race as per section VIII of these rules. The entry fee can only be transferred to another participant.
- A transfer is possible upon a written request to the organizer's email, free of charge until May 1, 2025. After that, a fee of 200 CZK will apply, payable on-site at the KAM hotel area on Friday, May 9, and Saturday, May 10. When transferring the entry fee to another participant, the following details must be provided: new runner’s name, date of birth, mobile number, email, team name, race type, and the original runner’s name. Once the registration fee is paid, changing to a different course is not allowed!
- In cooperation with accredited commissioners, doping control may be conducted. In such a case, the athlete is required to fully cooperate with the commissioners. Refusing to undergo testing will be considered a positive test result. At Czech Championship-level races, the commissioners have the authority to test the top five finishers and a few randomly selected participants. More information on doping control and prohibited substances can be found on the official website of the Czech Anti-Doping Committee.
II. Competition categories and prizes
SuperSky Awards for Top Athletes
- Announcement of the TOP 3 men and TOP 3 women
Czech Junior Championship in Skyrunning – YOUTH A & B Junior Categories
- YOUTH A (15 & 16 years old) – born between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2010
- YOUTH B (17 & 18 years old) – born between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2008
Czech Junior Championship in Skyrunning – YOUTH C & U23 Junior Categories
- YOUTH C (19 & 20 years old) – born between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2006
- U23 (21, 22 & 23 years old) – born between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2004
- The top three boys and girls in each category will be awarded.
III. Movement along the track
- Each participant must follow the marked race route according to the map or GPS navigation with the uploaded course.
- Each participant is required to place their chip at the timing checkpoint on Lysá hora to record their passage.
- Each participant must complete the entire route and pass through all checkpoints.
- Failure to pass a checkpoint will result in disqualification from the race. The entire course will be closely monitored and recorded using a GPS tracker.
- In cooperation with nature conservationists, strict adherence to the marked path will be checked to prevent shortcutting. Intentional shortcutting will result in a 60-minute time penalty.
- If a participant goes off the route, they must return to the last known race marker and continue along the correct course.
- In case of an emergency, participants must provide first aid to fellow racers without delay and report the incident to the organizer via the emergency contact number.
- Each participant must carry their waste and dispose of it either at a refreshment station or at the finish line. Any violation of the rules will result in disqualification.
- Each participant must comply with the basic rules for visitors to the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area (CHKO Beskydy), as stated in § 26 of Act 114/92 Coll. on nature and landscape protection, and respect the prohibitions in nature reserves under § 29 (NPR) and § 34 (PR) – EXCERPT FROM THESE RULES.
IV. Support in the race, sticks
- The organizer allows support during the race only within a 100 m radius of the refreshment station at the top of Lysá hora. Individuals without a race number, including supporters, will not be allowed to enter the refreshment area, which will be clearly marked with tape and barriers. If it is found that a participant has received any assistance outside the permitted zone at the top of Lysá hora, they will be penalized with an additional 60 minutes added to their final time. The only exception is in cases where first aid must be provided to a participant.
- The organizer allows the use of trekking or running poles throughout the entire race. If a participant wishes to use poles, they must do so from the start to the finish. It is prohibited to discard or pick up poles for only part of the course. If the poles break during the race, the participant must still carry them to the finish. If it is found that a participant has poles or uses them for only a portion of the race, they will be penalized with an additional 60 minutes added to their final time.
- Support using any means of transport or animals is strictly prohibited. Participants are only allowed to move along the racecourse using their own strength without any external assistance.
V. Mandatory and recommended equipment
Mandatory equipment for ensuring participant safety:
- Fully charged and operational mobile phone
- Water cup, hydration pack, or soft flask
- Bag or fabric pouch for carrying solid food from the refreshment station
- Race number displayed at the front and GPS tracker
- Timing chip placed above the ankle
This equipment will be randomly checked during and after the race by the organizers. Missing mandatory equipment or any part of it may result in a 60-minute penalty added to the final race time and, in more serious cases, disqualification.
The organizer also recommends the following optional equipment:
- NRC emergency foil blanket
- Bandages, plasters, and petroleum jelly
- Spare dry clothing in case of rain
VI. General rules
By registering, paying the entry fee, and participating in the race, the participant declares that:
- They have the required knowledge of the sport in the chosen discipline and confirm that they are physically and mentally capable of participating in this discipline. (The participant acknowledges the organizer's recommendation to undergo an individual medical examination before the race!)
- They are aware that the organizer is responsible only for obtaining permission to use the venue for the competition, including the start and finish areas and marked routes, but is not responsible and does not provide any guarantee for the condition of the trails, their functionality, or specific competition conditions determined, for example, by weather or high-altitude peculiarities. If it is necessary to use a public road, land communication, or another traffic area during the race, the participant acknowledges that traffic regulations must be followed on such routes.
- They are aware of the consequences associated with participating in the race at their own risk and responsibility, particularly that they are not entitled to demand financial compensation from the organizer or make other claims in the event of any injury or other damage suffered in connection with participation in the race.
- They acknowledge that the organizer does not assume responsibility for lost items of participants unless they have been officially accepted for safekeeping against written confirmation, and only in designated areas - within the premises of Hotel KAM in Malenovice.
- They are informed that the organizer has not taken out any special insurance to cover damages incurred by participants in connection with their participation in the competition.
- They acknowledge the obligation to attend the pre-race briefing, where they will be informed about the race course, current weather conditions, as well as other related dangers. Therefore, participation in the race depends solely on the participant's judgment.
- The competitor acknowledges the organizer's recommendation to take out their own accident insurance.
- They do not suffer from any serious illness or condition.
- They participate in this race entirely at their own risk, responsibility, and personal danger. The organizer is not responsible for the health and life of the competitor during the entire LHUT sports event, including any training sessions and accompanying events.
- They agree that their participation and sports performance in the race may be audiovisually recorded by the organizer or a person authorized by the organizer, and the participant grants the organizer permission to use audiovisual recordings or photographs taken before, during, and after the LHUT sports event in all ways specified in § 12(4) of the Copyright Act for the purpose of presenting this race, without any entitlement to compensation.
- They acknowledge that no one is authorized to take photographs, record videos, or otherwise capture the course of the sports competition before, during, or after the race without prior consent from the organizer and proper accreditation, except for personal use and needs.
- They agree to comply with branding requirements in locations or on their person, sports equipment, and accessories as designated by the organizer. Covering the organizer's advertising inscriptions is prohibited.
- The GPS tracker, owned by On line systém, spol. s.r.o., ID: 25377361, registered at Vřesinská 280/20, Poruba, 708 00, with a value of 3,500 CZK, is loaned to the competitor for the duration of the race from the moment of registration, when received against a personal signature, until it is returned after the race. In case of failure to return, loss, or damage to the GPS tracker, the competitor agrees to compensate the organizer, LHUT z.s., ID: 09642692, registered at náměstí Gen. Svobody 983/9, Zábřeh, 700 30 Ostrava, for the incurred damage.
VII. Doping control
Doping control can be carried out in cooperation with accredited commissioners. In such a case, it is the athlete's duty to fully cooperate with the commissioners. Refusal to submit to control is taken as a positive test result. It is the responsibility of the doping commissioners at the events of the importance of the Czech Republic to control the first five competitors and a few randomly selected from the starting field. More information on doping control and prohibited substances can be found on the official website of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Czech Republic. www.antidoping.cz
IX. Protests
- Protests must be submitted in writing within 30 minutes after the preliminary results are posted, directly to the organizer or a jury member, along with a fee of 500 CZK. If the protest is upheld, the fee will be refunded.
- The time and place of result postings are specified in the race schedule.